
April 30, 2017

Year of Submarines in Indian Navy - Kilo-class & Type 209 attack submarines

AG600 first taxiing test in Zhuhai

Mini Mee with fire crackers

April 28, 2017

Chinese PLAAF FC-31

Footage allegedly of French forces in Northern Raqqa countryside, supporting the SDF in the war against ISIS terrorists

US troops patrolling Kurdish held areas, recently attacked by the Turkish military

After Turkish shelling in the GirêSpî region today, YPG responded by targeting a Turkish army position.

What happens when you scream at night from the window in Sweden?

China's new aircraft carrier being parked by several tugs

Eurofighter has successfully completed a simultaneous firing of two MBDA Meteor air-to-air missiles

Eurofighter GmbH says the firing completes the development testing activity of the weapon on the platform.

Israel fired Patriot at ‘target’ over Golan

Israeli air defense forces fired a Patriot missile at a ‘target’ that was over the Golan Heights on Apr. 27.

April 27, 2017

Chinese Kilo 636M class submarine launched anti-ship missiles

 People's Republic of China366Yuan Zheng 66 HaoSaint Petersburg63616 July 199626 April 199726 August 1997active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China367Yuan Zheng 67 HaoSaint Petersburg63628 August 199718 June 199825 October 1998active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China368Yuan Zheng 68 HaoSaint Petersburg636M18 October 200227 May 200420 October 2004active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China369Yuan Zheng 69 HaoSaint Petersburg636M18 October 200219 August 20042005active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China370Yuan Zheng 70 HaoSaint Petersburg636M2004May 20052005active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China371Yuan Zheng 71 HaoSaint Petersburg636M200420052005active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China372Yuan Zheng 72 HaoSaint Petersburg636M200520052006active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China373Yuan Zheng 73 HaoNizhniy Novgorod636MJuly 19928 May 20045 August 2005active as of 2007
 People's Republic of China374Yuan Zheng 74 HaoSeverodvinsk636M29 May 200321 May 200530 December 2005active as of 2006
 People's Republic of China375Yuan Zheng 75 HaoSeverodvinsk636M29 May 200314 July 200530 December 2005active as of 2006