April 10, 2014

Israel Launches OFEQ 10 Spy Satellite

A Shavit satellite launcher lifts off from the Palmachim test range south of Tel Aviv April 9, 2014, carrying the OFEQ 10 satellite, the eights satellite in the OFEQ family, built by IAI MBT Space division. Photo: IMOD

The research and development department (MAFAT) of Israel’s Ministry of Defense in cooperation with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI Ltd.) launched this evening Wednesday, April 9, 2014 at 22:15 hrs, “Ofeq 10″ (also known as Ofek 10) satellite into space. The satellite was launched into orbit by a “Shavit” satellite launcher. The launch was conducted from an Israeli Air Force test range.

Once the satellite enters orbit around the Earth, it will undergo several tests to confirm its serviceability and accurate performance.“Ofeq 10″ is an earth-observing remote-sensing satellite that employs synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technology with advanced “high-resolution” imagery, capable of operating day or night and in all weather conditions.

Israel’s Ministry of Defense, led by its R&D Department (MAFAT) in cooperation with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI Ltd) and other Israeli high-tech companies developed and produced the “Ofeq 10″ satellite as well as the “Shavit” satellite launcher.

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