April 13, 2014

Japanese media: China to buy S400 to deter Taiwan and Japan and India

...and reverse engineer.

Video shows a Chinese PLA Air Force fighter aircraft combat drills with S300 missile system

Translated into English from:

Reference News Network April 12 Japanese media reported citing Russian media reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved in principle to sell to China, Russia's most advanced anti-aircraft missile system.

  Japan's "diplomatic scholar" magazine website on April 11 quoted a Russian commercial television reported that Putin has approved the sale to China of two to four sets of S-400 air defense missile system. The deal is already in negotiations among, if approved, would allow China to become the first foreign customers this advanced defense systems. At present, China has deployed many Soviet-era S-300 defense system.

  Reported that although Russia had been negotiating in this regard, but some observers believe that Russia will eventually refused to China for a number of reasons to sell S-400 missile systems. First, there are reports that in the country before the Russian military needs are met, does not intend to foreign sales of S-400, and their needs are met may take several years. More importantly, the Russian military are worried that China would buy one of the few S-400 system, and then steal their technology through reverse engineering into the domestic version. In the past, Russia to sell weapons systems to China has been facing this problem.
 It is reported that Russia and China has been seeking through more stringent intellectual property protection signed agreement to resolve this problem. In 2008 the two sides signed an agreement to protect intellectual property, but Russian officials later considered inadequate bound to give up this version. It is said that in 2012 Russia and China signed an agreement more stringent intellectual property protection, but the specific content of the agreement is basically not disclosed.

  According to the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" reported that Russia and China hopes to sign more stringent intellectual property agreements and increase sales volume to prevent reverse engineering. If China first purchased a large number of S-400 system, so even if the Chinese later reverse-engineer the system operation, the loss suffered by the Russian military industry will be smaller.
  Reported that, S-400 itself may be greatly improved in China in some unexpected developments of military strength. Range of the missile system is 400 km, experts believe that this way, the Beijing over the Taiwan Strait gained air superiority. United States, "Defense News" weekly in Taiwan last year, citing a former member of the Security Council, once the S-400 ground-based and sea-based PLA fighters combined mainland remain "Taiwan Theater" of the air side will have more confidence, so that Taiwan's Air Force not organize any resistance, will act as a deterrent to U.S. intervention.

  Reported that although Taiwan may be affected by the impact of the PLA deployed S-400's maximum, but it needs to add strength to face this not only in Taiwan. Japan should respond to China's S-400, because the system will overwrite the Diaoyu Islands. S-400 system will affect Japan to China's power projection, but the Japanese

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