August 15, 2014

Today in History - 15th August 1936

Berlin Olympics August, 1936  

Indian Olympic Hockey Team under Army Major Dhyan Chand frustrates Hitler to beat Nazi Germany 8-1.
Hitler was to have presented the gold medals to the Indian team, but Hitler had left earlier, in frustration and in anger.

Major Dhyan Chand hockey stick was broken up in Holland to check for magnets, the Japanese thought it was glue that he used and Hitler offered to by the stick. Hitler offered Major Dhyan Chand a job as a colonel in the Wehrmacht and play for Germany, an offer he politely refused.

Earlier on August 3rd, 5th and 9th , Jesse Owens had  broken Hiter's Aryan racial superiority theory.

Nazis saluting Indian Hockey Team

Watch the match highlights recorded 78 years earlier 15th August 1936.

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