September 5, 2014

Indian Air Force to receive the first Embraer (AEW&C) year end

Photo - Tarmak

 Photo - IAF

  Photo - IAF

Photo - Tarmak

The Indian Air Force is expected to receive the first Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) system by the end of this year.

Two AEW&C systems, built on modified Embraer EMB-145I aircraft, are undergoing flight trials with one more expected to arrive from Brazil later this year.


Mexican airforce (Fuerza Aérea Mexicana) too uses a similar configuration EMB-145 FAM for AEW&C and marine patrols

Photo - Wikipedia commons


Pakistan had ordered 3 such Saab-2000 Erieye AEW&C one of which destroyed by militants in Kamra Airbase attack in August 2012

Photo - Wikipedia commons

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