September 18, 2014

PT DI Hand over CN-235 for the Navy Third Patmar

PT Indonesian Aerospace Aircraft officially handed over CN-235 220 Maritime Patrol to the Ministry of Defence that directly handed over to the Navy Flight Center, Wednesday (17/09/2014).
handover is implemented at Apron Base Opps Lanudal Juanda was attended by the Minister for Defence, Prof Yusgiantoro. aircraft CN 235 220 MPA numbered. P-862 is a Maritime Patrol aircraft types were submitted to three PTDI.

Previous two similar aircraft that are numbered P-860 and P-861 have been delivered in 2013.
Aircraft made in this country have a common characteristic length of 21.40 meters, wingspan 25.81 meters, 8.18 meters high, and has two propulsion engines General Electric CT79 C Turboprop 1395KW (1850bhp). Maximum owned 509 miles per hour and a distance range 796 km (496 miles).

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