August 9, 2015

Russian PAK FA Fifth Generation Fighter Performs Spin Maneuver

PAF FA/ T50 program receives fresh impetus

The Sukhoi PAK FA once again proved its flying superiority and outstanding technical capabilities.

The newest Russian jet fighter was caught on camera smoothly performing the famous spin maneuver.The video published by the TV channel Zvezda shows a PAK FA prototype easily decelerate to 0 kmh and perform a spin without a flaw.As for maneuvering capabilities, the T-50 is considered to have absolutely no rivals both among its Russian-made predecessors and foreign competitors.For a regular jet fighter, there is nothing special in performing some aerobatic maneuvers. However, the PAK FA is capable of performing them all, including Nesterov’s loop, tailside, barrel roll, and even cobra.

The PAK FA is a single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter, and the first operational aircraft in Russian service to use stealth technology.  It was designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau.The aircraft will be used to achieve air superiority and assist in ground attacks.Besides its ability to fly at speeds well above Mach 2, the T-50 boasts other, even more important, features such as invisibility to radar and powerful weapons which will be unveiled later.The use of composite materials, innovative technologies, advanced avionics and engines ensure the T-50’s extremely low level of radar, optical and infrared visibility.In December 2014, Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation announced that production of the fighter was ready to begin in 2016. Fifty-five PAK FA jets will enter service in the Russian Air Force by 2020.

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