September 23, 2015

South Korean Air Force KF-16 to be armed with Spice 2000 next year, 2 more 737 AEWs

Starting from next year, the South Korean Air Force will boost the ability of its KF-16 fighter jets to hit long-range targets.

The Air Force revealed the plan on Tuesday in a report submitted to the National Assembly’s National Defense Committee for parliamentary inspection.

To hit long-range targets, the Air Force will introduce Israeli-made bomb guidance kits known as "SPICE," an acronym for smart, precise impact and cost-effective.

When dropped from a high altitude by KF-16s, the SPICE-2000 guided bombs can travel more than 50 kilometers and hit targets, including on the other side of a mountain.

The Air Force also plans to carry out live-fire drills using new precision-guided munitions, including long-range air-to-surface Taurus missiles, in a bid to create conditions for combat mission-focused training.

To effectively manage the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone which has been expanded to south of Ieodo Reef, the Air Force said it will request that the Joint Chiefs of Staff add two more E-737 twin-engine airborne early warning and control aircraft in the latter half of the year.

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