October 13, 2015

One Terrorist supporting country to another Terrorist supporting country

Pakistan stands with Turkey in fight against terrorism

  • Pakistan supports Taliban to destabilize Afghanistan
  • Turkey supports ISIS to destabilize Syria

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif has said both Pakistan and Turkey will fight terrorism with a “coherent and common approach.”

“Pakistan and Turkey are facing daunting challenges. I am sure we will surmount them with a common and coherent approach,” the army chief was quoted as saying by the ISPR. “We assure you our unflinching support.”General Raheel, who is on a three-day official visit to Turkey, assured on Monday the Turkish army chief Hulusi Akar that Pakistan understood the enormity of challenges being faced by Turkey, and stood by the brotherly country.

He also expressed condolences on the recent terrorist attack in Ankara.At least 86 people were killed when two suspected suicide bombers hit a rally of pro-Kurdish and leftist activists outside Ankara’s main train station on Saturday.

The two military leaders also discussed to enhance cooperation in the fields of counter-terrorism.Earlier on his arrival, the army chief was presented a guard of honour by the Turkish land forces at the forces’ headquarters.

The COAS also visited the mausoleum of Kamal Ataturk, the founder of modern-day Turkey and laid floral wreath at the grave.Meanwhile, General Raheel was awarded the Turkish Legend of Merit for his services towards regional peace and handling the menace of terrorism, clarity in direction and sense of purpose in leading Pakistan Army and fighting the terrorists in an exemplary way.

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