November 4, 2015

Indonesia Requests 35% Transfer of Technology for Purchasing of Su-35

Indonesia's Defense Ministry: no decision yet on the purchase of Russian Su-35

BANGKOK - RIA Novosti. Indonesia has not yet taken a final decision on the purchase of Russian fighter of 4 ++ generation Su-35, the main requirement is to provide the Indonesian side of technology transfer at least 35% of the aircraft, the Head of Scientific and Technical Department of the Defense Ministry of the country Jan Pieter Ate told to RIA Novosti.

In September, Indonesia's defense minister Ryamizard Ryacudu announced its intention to purchase a squadron of Su-35 fighters to replace outdated machinery American F-5 Tiger, whose age has reached four decades.

"Technologies are developing, and we need 1-2 squadrons (approximately 32 aircraft - Ed.) Fighter aircraft of this class (4 ++ generation). Now we decide what exactly to buy the aircraft, and it is not yet clear, as we have not yet carried out with the Russian side of direct talks on this issue ", - he said J.P. Ate on Monday during the exhibition Defense & Security-2015.

The interlocutor of the agency said that according to the laws of Indonesia, any contract for the purchase of foreign weapons must be accompanied by an agreement on transfer at least 35% of the technology for the military-industrial complex of the country. According, Ate similar agreement with Russia has not yet been achieved.

Defense & Security Exhibition held since 2003, the theme of the exhibition - arms and military equipment for the Army, Navy and Air Force, non-lethal weapons, the latest developments to combat terrorism and other issues. This year's event will be visited by more than 100 delegations from 45 foreign countries.

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