November 5, 2015

Pakistan Air Force chief flew in a RAF Eurofighter

On Thursday 29 Oct, personnel at RAF Coningsby hosted a visit to the unit by Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force (CAS PAF).

The Air Chief Marshal was met by RAF Coningsby Station Commander, Group Captain Jez Attridge, welcomed to the base and given a brief on the use of Air Power and the role of RAF Coningsby.

After being kitted for a Typhoon Flight, Air Chief Marshal Aman was given a thorough briefing about what his flight would entail and a tour of the Qualified Weapons Instructors Course based on 29(R) Squadron.After the Typhoon flight, the CAS PAF was given a guided tour around BBMF and given the opportunity to meet some of the crews involved in the commemorative flypasts this year.

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