January 7, 2020

Vietnam Exports High-Speed Patrol Boats to Africa

In addition to providing patrol boats, large amphibious ships to foreign partners, Vietnam has also started to export armed boats.

Recently, Vietnam's defense industry in general and military shipbuilding in particular have made great strides, not only meeting domestic demand but also exporting products to foreign countries.

Typically for the above example, the shipbuilding facilities under the General Department of Defense Industry are affiliated with the famous Damen Shipbuilding Group of the Netherlands, including the Z189, Song Thu factories from here they, we have built many models of military ships according to your advanced design.

Z189 and Song Thu factories have successfully completed orders such as building submarine rescue ships and large patrol boats for the Royal Australian Navy, or manufacturing transport - amphibious ships for the Venezuela Navy.

But not only limited to the large-sized ship segment according to foreign design, Vietnam has created its own identity through the contract of manufacturing and exporting high-speed patrol boats developed and developed by ourselves.

Tuoi Tre TV channel recently published a report in which appeared remarkable information and images, it was a long line of high-speed patrol boats that had been Z173 Factory (Hong Ha Shipbuilding Company) completed to prepare for export to Africa.

Outside observers can see that this high-speed patrol boat is a modified design from the D300 prototype introduced by 189 One Member Limited Company (Z189 Factory).

It is known that the design of the high-speed patrol boat D300 of the Z189 Factory is based on the prototype of CQ-02 - a product of the Naval Technical Institute, which has been improved with many outstanding tactical technical features.

The most valuable thing on this high-speed boat is that it has built-in automatic mounted machine gun module NSV size 12.7 mm, does not require the gunner to directly operate as CQ-02, bringing Outstanding combat efficiency.

On products exported to Africa, it is possible to recognize devices such as VHF transceivers, 36 nautical-mile navigational radar, GPS satellite navigation systems and optoelectronic reconnaissance equipment. for firing weapons.

The success of the export of defense products will help the Vietnam People's Army have more funding to re-invest in manufacturing weapons and equipment to serve their own needs.

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