June 2, 2014

Brazil to add third converted 767 tanker

Brazil is to sign a revised contract soon to add a third converted Boeing 767-300 tanker to its air force inventory, according to Israeli defence sources.

In March 2013, the Brazilian air force command selected Israel Aerospace Industries for the conversion of two commercial Boeing 767-300ERs, with options for an additional two. These will replace the service’s four retired KC-137s (militarised Boeing 707s), which had been in use since 1986.The modified 767s will be configured with under-wing hose-and-drogue refuelling pods to support Brazilian air force fighters.IAI is offering the Boeing 767 in a flexible configuration comprising hose-and-drogue pods, a boom, or both. It has already delivered one modified example to the Colombian air force, nicknamed “Jupiter”.

At least one of the 767s included in IAI’s initial contract with Brazil will be converted by its Bedek division, with the rest to be adapted in the country by TAP Manutenção e Engenharia Brasil. To be conducted under Israeli supervision, the local conversion is part of an IAI effort to increase its co-operation with local companies in Brazil.


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