June 17, 2014

Myanmar interested in purchasing the Xiaolong (JF-17)

Myanmar Air Force plans to produce JF-17 Xiaolong multirole fighters domestically for its air force, reports the Yangon-based Myanmar Times. Myanmar Air Force currently operates Russian-built MiG-29B and MiG-29SE fighters, Chinese-built J-7M fighters, Chinese built Q-5 attackers and 16 trainers. In addition, it also has nine Mi-35 attack helicopters and more than 90 other types of helicopters.

The Myanmar Air Force  has been looking to purchase a license from China to produce its own Xiaolong fighters, according to the report. The JF-17 fighter is capable of carrying air-to-air missiles including the PL-5EII, PL-9C and PL-12. The C-802A anti-ship missile can also be equipped when the Myanmar Air Force needs to provide air support to the nation's naval forces in combat.When facing an enemy aircraft in close combat, the Xiaolong can attack its target with its Russian-built Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 twin-barreled 23 mm autocannon.

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