August 8, 2014

First phase of Storm Shadow integration tests on Eurofighter completed

Alenia Aermacchi and Eurofighter press release

Photo credit L. Caliaro of

Italy’s Alenia Aermacchi has confirmed that the first phase of tests for the integration of the Storm Shadow long-range missile onto the Eurofighter Typhoon has been completed. Storm Shadow is a long range, all-weather, high precision, stand-off weapon already in service on Royal Air Force Tornados. It has been proven in operations to great effect in Iraq and Libya neutralising hardened command bunkers and other high value targets. The stealthy weapon design allows it to penetrate layered air defences whilst the long range of Storm Shadow allows it to be launched outside those defences increasing the launch aircraft survivability.

In the deep attack role Eurofighter Typhoon will carry two Storm Shadow missiles whilst maintaining the ability to carry 8 air-air missiles. This will enable Eurofighter Typhoon to fight its way in and out of the combat area. Alenia Aermacchi, one of the three Eurofighter Partner Companies behind the Eurofighter Programme today (August 4th) confirmed details behind the tests confirming they first began in December 2013 with development aircraft IPA2.

The tests have already covered a number of aspects of aeromechanical missile integration onto the aircaft and further flight trials are planned as the programme moves through to full integration. The next step in the Programme will be ‘inert drop-tests’ followed by environmental data gathering tests. Avionic flights will then be performed to test funtional integration including dedicated missile release tests. 

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