September 10, 2014

India Considers Buying 126 Eurofighters From Germany

India may acquire 126 Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft from Germany, Deutsche Presse-Agentur reported Monday.Indian and German officials are once again negotiating a multibillion-dollar deal for the delivery of 126 German-made fighter jets to India, the agency reported, citing German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

India and Germany previously discussed a similar deal, but India decided against the Eurofighter jets in 2012 and chose to acquire French-produced Dassault Rafale combat aircraft instead. However, an agreement has not been reached so far.The value of the possible contract is estimated at 7.6 billion euro (about $9.8 billion), according to the agency. Eurofighters are produced by the Bavaria-based Eurofighter GmbH company.Steinmeier is currently in India, where he has been in talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj. The topics under discussion were trade, investment, high tech cooperation and renewable energy collaboration, according to the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.

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