November 8, 2015

Seaspark 2015: Pakistan Navy ready to defend Gwadar, says Admiral Zaka

Pakistan Navy is capable of defending the Gwadar port against internal and external threats, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah said during his visit to the deep seaport.

Gwadar is crucial to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the sea lanes connecting the port with international markets are an extension of the CPEC, he said according to a press release of the navy.One of the objectives of Seaspark 15 is to assess the operational preparedness to undertake the key task of defending the sea lanes extending from CPEC at Gwadar, Admiral Zaka said who was on tour of the naval units and forward bases along the Makran coast including Jinnah Naval Base at Ormara.

Security, therefore, is essential for smooth functioning of the Gwadar port, as well as to accrue desired socio-economic benefits of CPEC, the admiral said.He also visited the naval bases of Pasni and Jiwani with a view to witness the operational readiness of the units during the ongoing maritime exercise Seaspark 15. Jiwani among these bases is the western most base of Pakistan Navy lying almost 34 kilometres from the Iranian border.

As part of the on-going exercise, Seaspark 2015, Pakistan Navy carried out day as well as night live firing of different weapon systems at Air Defence Ranges near the Sonmiani beach about 80km from Karachi. Various weapon systems, including surface to air missiles, radar controlled guns and manual guns were fired during the exercise. Rear Admiral Syed Bashir Ahmad, Commander Coast, Rear Admiral Kaleem Shaukat, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations) and senior representatives of Pak Army and PAF witnessed the firepower demonstration, said a statement issued on Wednesday. Live firings by troops are conducted to maintain professional prowess to safeguard the maritime frontiers.

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