May 23, 2014

Istanbul Shipyard launches A-601 TCG Alemdar for Turkish Navy

On 29 April 2014, the submarine rescue mother ship also known as MOSHIP, A-601 TCG Alemdar was launched by Istanbul Shipyard. Istanbul Shipyard a private company, was selected to build one submarine rescue ship and two salvage and rescue ships by SSM in June 2010.The main task of this ship will be rescue submarines that are unable to resurface themselves. She will be able to provide life support to the stranded crew of a distressed submarine up to 600 meters depth. She will carry ROV’s, atmospheric diving suits and other necessary equipment.With fourteen modern diesel-electric submarines in service, the Turkish Navy is the biggest operator of conventionally powered submarines among both European and NATO countries. However, the existing submarine rescue and salvage ships in the Turkish Navy were built in the 1950s and they are now reaching the end of their life-spans.

It is important for the Turkish Navy to maintain an appropriate degree of salvage and recovery capability to support its large submarine force, so it is a joy to see that a very complex ship with many complex equipment on board was launched.

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