October 13, 2014

Indo-Israeli surface-to-air missile Barak 8 tested by Israeli Navy

Barak 8 missile successfully intercepted Yakhont(similar to Brahmos) anti-ship cruise missiles.

Israel's Channel 2 and israeldefense.com are reporting that the Israel Navy has conducted a successful secret test of the Barak 8 missile, which is designed to defend ships from the much-vaunted Yakhont anti-ship cruise missiles,

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The Israeli Navy conducted a trial a few months ago, declared as successful, of the upgraded Barak missile system for protection against Russian-made Yakhont missiles.The test was conducted within the framework of the upgrade of the navy's defense systems, designed to provide vessels protection from cruise missiles. Moreover, this system is able to protect the oil rigs at sea, namely – to provide protection to the exclusive economic zone of Israel and its most important energy sources.

According to what was cleared for publication, during the trial, a target missile was launched from sea, simulating the trajectory of the Russian-made missile. The Barak missile, launched from a naval missile boat, intercepted it.Military sources confirmed that the success of the trial provides an answer to the threat of cruise missile.The upgraded system is developed by Rafael and Israel Aircraft Industries, and an Italian company manufactured the missile simulator.

Also read:


Seems India approved 262 Barak-1 only after Barak-8 project succeeded.


India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given final approval to the purchase of 262 Israeli Barak-I missiles for Indian Navy which will provide further boost to its growing capabilities.According to a report reaching here, the decision was made early this month by the Indian Cabinet Committee on Security headed by Prime Minister Modi.

The decision is considered a major breakthrough in stalled Indo-Israeli defence ties after series of bribery accusations against pro-Israeli officials of former government and defence high ups in India.
The new deal is expected to cost more than $144 million and may pave the way for further defence contract with Israel.According to insiders the delivery of Israeli Barak missile will begin as of 2015 and about fourteen Indian Naval ships are expected to be fitted with the Barak-1.

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