October 17, 2014

Iran Again Warns Pakistan against Insurgent Activities on Iran Border

Iran, India and Afghanistan often accuse Pakistan of harboring and supporting terrorists and narcotics smugglers and for terror attacks as foreign policy tool for controlling influence with neighbors.

IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami said today that the Iranian military may enter Pakistani territory in pursuit of Iranian Baluch insurgent group Jaish al-Adl if the Pakistani government does not take concrete actions against them. In recent months, the militant group has carried out several armed attacks on border posts in Iranian Baluchistan. Four LEF officers were killed in two separate attacks in border city of Saravan on 8-9 October.

Last week an LEF aircraft carrying several senior LEF officers crashed near Zahedan, the provincial capital. The LEF team was to visit the area to investigate the recent attacks by the insurgents.Jaish al-Adl (“Army of Justice”) and its predecessor organization, the Jundallah, have waged an armed struggle against the Islamic Republic, employing terrorism, kidnapping and armed attacks on LEF. The group says it is fighting against the government for its sectarian anti-Sunni policies and to protect the Sunni rights in Baluchistan.

IRGC’s Gen. Salami said that maintaining border security should be an important common issue between Iran and Pakistan.

“We do not interfere in the affairs of any country, but if they do not fulfill their obligations we have to act,” Salami said. 

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