October 19, 2014

J-10B will begin its service with PLAAF

Photo - PLAAF

China will begin to equip the PLA Air Force with J-10B, the upgraded version of J-10 and J-10A fighters designed by Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation, Moscow's Russian News Agency reported on Oct. 16.The J-10B fighter is equipped with active electronically scanned array radar (AESA), which its prodecessors do not. It also has new generation avionics, a diverterless supersonic inlet and an infra-red search and track sensor. On the new model, the vertical stabiliser and wings of the fighter are also modified. 10 J-10B fighters with serial numbers 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 120, 122, 201 have already been revealed on the internet.

Some of the J-10B figthers have been equiped with the modified version of Shenyang Liming Aircraft Engine Company's WS-10B engine. Rumors indicated that the Russian-built AL-31FN-M1 engines can be supplied to the PLA Air Force for the J-10B. It is an upgraded version of the AL-31F currently equipped in use on J-10 fighters. Full production of the new fighter had started with the first J-10B appearing on production line in July of 2013.

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