October 19, 2014

Maintenance of Italian aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi completed ahead of schedule

Photo - Wikipedia

Translated from Italian

With an advance of more than four months on the project schedule, it is ready to go back to being operational aircraft carrier Giuseppe Garibaldi Navy. They are in fact completed in the arsenal of Taranto modernization work of the unit and the opening of the swing bridge scheduled for this afternoon, the former flagship of the Navy will leave Little Sea, home to plants and reservoirs Arsenal, and moved to Great Sea is the basis of the fleet.

Taking over October 12 last year the Arsenal, the Garibaldi was to be delivered in March 2015, however, comment on military sources, the maximum co-operation and integration of the team - the crew of Garibaldi, the staff of the Arsenal and employees of private companies navalmeccaniche - made it possible to "burn" time. Work has been carried for more than ten million euro which covered deck of the ship hull, propulsion and electrical part. Large spill on the armature of Taranto, which formed a consortium of companies for their participation in the work of Garibaldi. Specifically, companies engaged 15 with an average of 250 employees. Five, however, the construction work, settled in an area of ​​about 200 meters. For jobs, the ship was put in dry, as they say in the jargon, the largest basin of the Ironclad. From Mar Piccolo unit was made into the basin flooded, then within 15 hours it was drained of about 140 million liters of water thus creating the conditions for starting the rehabilitation plan.

The Garibaldi, who recently celebrated the thirtieth year of presence in the fleet of the Navy, was the first Italian aircraft carrier and has been a part of the history of armed force. It has a gross tonnage of 14 thousand tons, is 180 meters long, a crew of 600 military and has participated in several international missions. Its launch in 1983 was a breakthrough for the Navy that, with the departure of the aircraft, acquired new and greater capabilities.

The early delivery of the aircraft carrier and the enhancement of Taranto industries are two good news, however, come at a critical time for Arsenal and for this type of activity. A month ago, the meetings that took Taranto and with Confindustria with the unions, the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Giuseppe De Giorgi, has announced the lack of resources for maintenance of ships by 2015. It The unions have also shown that with the completion of the work on the ships Garibaldi and Euro in the coming months are likely to remain the armature 400 workers without jobs. The lack of job prospects, denounced Confindustria Taranto, "will inevitably affect the substantial human heritage and entrepreneurial work in the shipbuilding industry. A strong field of professionalism and expertise and now, in the light of the scenarios that are being developed without any opening, is in serious danger of disappearing. " In recent months, the Navy has expanded the activities of the Arsenal also to merchant vessels to more fully exploit the potential of the infrastructure, but the lack of resources, shows Confindustria, is likely to diversify "attempts to diversify in place by the plant for allow the Navy and local entrepreneurship mutual benefits. "

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