October 20, 2014

285 Commissioned as Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Officers

Photo - MinDef

Minister for Manpower Mr Tan Chuan-Jin reviewed a commissioning parade at the SAFTI Military Institute this evening, where 240 Army and 45 Air Force officer cadets were commissioned as officers of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).

Speaking at the parade, Mr Tan highlighted the importance of the SAF in securing Singapore's peace and stability. He said, "For us as a small nation, we have no fall back option. This is why we built up the SAF the way we do... We owe it to our people to protect them. We owe it to our soldiers to make sure they win and come back to their families." Mr Tan also reminded the graduands that as officers, they have a duty in instilling in their soldiers a sense of responsibility towards the nation's defence. "Whatever the capabilities we develop, it will come to nothing if we do not have the will to fight and defend what is our own... This sense of a nation and as a people doesn't just happen. We need to nurture it. We need to build it" he added.
The parade marked the completion of 38 weeks of rigorous training at the Officer Cadet School. The realistic training conducted during the course sharpened the cadets' combat, planning and leadership skills. The newly commissioned officers will go on to assume command, instructional or staff appointments inthe SAF. Present at the parade were Members of Parliament, senior SAF officers and Ministry of Defence officials, as well as families and friends of the graduands.

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